The Amber Sword – Volume 2 chapter 133

TL: I am sort of sick with coughing and a slight fever. Drawing stuff takes even more mental energy than TLing does, so here’s a chapter in advance. I haven’t edited this for errors/reading accessibility because I’m too tired.  Plenty of names dropped in this chapter. You’re warned.

Edit: Man the cough is so bad that sleeping for 2 days didn’t help. Pissed off at people for not airing the room when they know they are sick.


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The Amber Sword – Volume 2 Chapter 128

TL: Okay, I didn’t expect the teaser to be seen as a cliffhanger. I was thinking, man Brendel has a grand speech, surely there must be something that’s going to come out of it. I still don’t have the time to edit the recent chapters, so expect errors.

The next sponsored chapter is coming in a day or so. Sometimes I update the schedule (on the donation section) on the right if you really need to see when.

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