The Amber Sword – Chapter 45

TL: Okay, so there has been a regular donator for full TAS sponsored chapters (going on for months now). I was sort of, well because I’m busy with school, I didn’t really focus much on getting donations but he requested me to put one button up.

So, I found a pretty interesting “Buy me a coffee” button, and you all should know that I really love coffee… Tip me once a month or anything for $2, should be reasonable right? In regards to extra sponsored chapters rate, it should come about 2 days/1 extra chapter. I’ll try to work on it during travel time on my laptop to squeeze it in.

Thanks for your support, everyone.

Chapter 45 – Night scenery

Brendel and his squire jumped down from his gargoyle, and they saw Romaine and Freya with a pale face in the alley. The latter was glaring at him with a hateful gaze. Brendel found it a little funny that the Goddess of War was afraid of height, and discovered that she resembled the girls in his party in the past due to her frightened expressions in the air.

“Alright, I’m going to talk a little about our current situation.” Brendel was afraid that Freya would seek revenge on him and rushed to speak first.

Freya lightly scoffed when she saw through his trick. She turned her head away and could not be bothered to argue with him.

“We have already delivered the news, it is up to the nobles to take action or not; the next thing we must do is to find Romaine’s aunt and escape from Fortress Riedon, but it will not be easy to do so.” Brendel gestured upwards to instruct the gargoyle to go up to the rooftop and survey the surroundings. He had tried every night to test out the keywords to activate the gargoyle and he finally discovered one that was of use.

However, he still lacked an attack command.

“Freya and Romaine are registered militia, so your relatives at Fortress Riedon will seek to record your names. If we go directly to Romaine’s distant relative, we might be discovered right there, especially when we don’t know if he could be trusted.”

“Isn’t aunt Jennie going to be in grave danger?” Freya asked.

Brendel glanced at Romaine. She did not say anything and was lowering her head to play with the corners of her sleeves.

“Overall the opposition will also have a reaction time, but if we are going to do these things one at a time together, our chances to fail will be significantly higher. In order to save time, we need to move separately, and each of us need to confirm what our own roles.”

He took a deep breath. He had taken on the role of a leader just like in the game once again. But now that the fate of other people was in his hands, he felt a scintilla of tenseness.

His gaze overlooked the three faces, then pointed:

“Freya will go and contact Romaine’s relative.”

“Me?” Freya pointed at herself puzzledly.


“But I only know he is staying in Ponoa’s market. I don’t even which street it is, in fact I don’t even know where the market is…?” She said with a troubled expression.

“You can ask around for the directions. Ponoa’s market is nearby, just walk out of this alley and you will see a pub called ‘The Red Bronze Dragon’s story bar’, and you can seek news in there.” Brendel suddenly smiled: “But you need to be careful, the mecenaries’ hands in the bar might not be very proper, don’t get taken advantage of.”

Freya’s face went into a flaming red, and she glared angrily at him: “Sh-shameless….. lout!”

Ciel was giggling in one corner. He thought his lord was quite interesting. Nobles hardly went to such a low-class area like a pub, but it seemed that Brendel understood the kingdom from the top to the bottom. Wizards liked to be with intelligent people, especially with people who were knowledgeable in many things.

“When you find the merchant called Hood, don’t reveal your identity and give him a little time. Invite him to the pub and let us meet him there. Take note of his reactions, and you would know if he is reliable. If you discover the presence of the army, there’s no need to worry. They won’t move until they are clear of our relationship, since they want to bring us all down at the same time.”

Freya thought about it for a while, as if to check whether she was able to do all these, then finally nodded.

“Then what about me, Brendel?” Romaine blinked and asked.

“You will help us get a horse carriage and wait for us at the north gate. There are only two hostels in Fortress Riedon, so it is very possible these areas are being watched. If you discover any problems with any one of them, then you can just go ahead to the north gate alone. No matter what happens, we will leave the city in the morning. If we are lucky, we can escape before the order is given to lock the city gates.”

The merchant girl nodded readily.

Brendel then took out some money from the noble’s relic from The Forbidden Garden, and split it into half and passed to them: “The things that you are about to do might require some money. Here is thirty silver coins, each person with half of it should be more than enough. And if it is possible, purchase some food as well, Romaine.”

The merchant girl nodded earnestly.

“Then what about you, Brendel?” Freya asked.

“Your independent actions might be too difficult as the White-Mane army might be able to spot the two of you anytime. Ciel and I will visit a few ‘Old Friends’, and draw the attention of the Fortress guards.” Brendel said unhurriedly.

Only the Gods know how much determination Brendel had when he spoke. He was used to danger, just like leading the girls and himself out of Zevail’s pathway, but he had never thought himself as a hero or a messiah.

‘A detailed plan might fail, not to mention a desperate one.’ This was his guild leader’s advice to Brendel in the game, and became his proud motto.

This time, even he did not know how much risk was involved. But he had promised Romaine in his old home, and there times that he had to keep his promise as a man. He felt that his desire to fulfill his promise calmed him down. He would definitely succeed.

“Are you crazy, Brendel!” Freya understood there was something wrong in his words, and her eyes went wide with shock: “Y-you’re going be sentenced to death by hanging, what are we going to do?”

She suddenly realized her words were a little ambiguous and she blushed, trying to explain: “I mean, I don’t want to be like you and become a bandit……”

Brendel felt the tsundere girl was a little cute: “Don’t worry, I’ll invite you to join me when there’s a chance.”

There was definitely a chance, but he did not know how much of a chance he had to persuade the future Goddess of War to join him.

“None at all,” Freya said with spite: “You should stay with Romaine, I’m worried for her.”

“There’s no need to, I trust little Romaine.”

The merchant girl’s eyebrows went up, and she was secretly delighted.

Freya was grinding her teeth with anger. She knew that this bastard knew that she was worried about him, but he wanted to force her to say it out loud. And the more infuriating thing was, he might not listen to her even when she said it.

“Fine. I can’t be bothered.” She lowered her head and flung her ponytail backwards with her hand: “B-be careful.” (TL: Classic tsundere never dies!)

The merchant girl gave him a small gesture of ‘Everything’s okay’, and this was learned from Brendel two days ago: “I’ll wait for you at the north gate, Brendel! The future great merchant’s horse carriage will move only when Brendel’s in it~”

Brendel felt his heart skip a beat, and he smiled at her.


In the White-Mane army’s camp after ten minutes of the breakout—

“You said you did not hear anything at all?”

Luc Beson picked up a broken piece of wood and pointed at a section and asked: “From the damage, this looks like it’s at a Rank 1 strength. A blacksteel swordsman broke down our prison’s door, and you are telling me that none of you heard it?”

The ‘Tiger’ Luc Beson was 45 years old, with dusky skin and a prominent forehead that looked like it was sliced with a knife. His high cheekbones came from his half highland bloodline. His face was slightly flattened, thin, and his deep gaze held a hint of wildness. Luc Beson had been the captain of the 104th White-mane swordsman army for ten years. If he was to advance he would have to rely on his reputation in his army and his successes.

But he was politically inclined to the Evertons, which was also the restoration faction, and it was the truth that the White-Mane army already became Earl Pola’s personal army. His position in the army was not welcomed, but this did not hinder him from displaying his prestige to his subordinates, and he was not the whelps that came from some noble backdoor.

The general’s words immediately made the lower ranked officers look at each other. Especially the wardens who were in charge of the security tonight, who went red. There were the White-Mane’s infantry, wearing a blue army uniform, with a pointed helm who walked in and out of the room. The greatest difference they had from the guards was the sigil on their shoulder; a white patch of wolf fur.

This unique decoration was awarded to this army who participated in the ‘Hastings war’ where they did not retreat from it. It was also where the army got their fame from.

“If he is a highland knight, then his squire might be able to do something like that.” Someone said.

“In the White-Mane’s army, it is not important what your opponents did, it is what you did. A response time of ten minutes, are you the militia?”

Luc Beson’s rebuke immediately silenced everyone.

At this moment, an army officer brought his attendent and announced himself. He pushed the door open and brought with him a stack of goatskin papers: “Captain, we checked the Bucce’s militia. There is indeed a Romaine and Freya recorded in it, but the youth called Brendel does not seem to be a Bucce’s local.”

Luc Beson confirmed his thoughts, and he tapped the table with his fingers: “And?”

The attendent walked near him and said something to his ears, and Luc Beson nodded. He asked again: “What is the answer of his majesty’s secret missionary?”

“The earl did not say, but he hinted that we should execute him.” The officer answered.

Luc Beson was slightly surprised. A kingdom’s missionary would take offense over a commoner? He rubbed his chin, trying to read the meaning behind everything, but before that the entire room was buzzing with debate.

“Really, but why would that old bastard be angry over that commoner?”

“I think he might be interested in the two women, that perverted bastard.”

“A useless jester, I saw him admiring that Elven sword.”

“A bumpkin who had never seen the world.” Someone laughed with derison.

Luc Beson immediately smacked the table, and the officers stopped talking. He wanted to censure them again, but someone else pushed the door open, a soldier from the outside.

“Captain, the local parliament is on fire.”

“A damned diversion,” Luc Beson cursed inwardly and stood up to issue his orders: “I’m giving you ten minutes. The second and third squadrons are to gather with the fastest speed!”

The officers stood up.

He pointed at one side: “The two of you, monitor the areas of interest. McLemore, your mission is the hostels, all of you should know what to do, do not alarm them.”

The three of them who were appointed lowered their heads and answered. They did not dare to waste any more time and immediately left the room.

“Captain, how about lord Esebar?”

“There’s no need to remind him or the others, that bunch of bastards must have ran to their missionary and bootlick him. They must rely on one side, right.”

The captain’s words made the room echo with a riot of laughter.

36 thoughts on “The Amber Sword – Chapter 45

  1. My opinion of Freya’s character drops every chapter. She is so generic, that its getting boring. I want her to have a better quick. Even Kuudere would be better.


      1. @Nirleka: Second princess of Aouine’s royal family. After the political change in December (mentioned when Brendel still outside Riedon’s wall), she become Princess Regent. In The Godly Force, she and Freya are the last two pillars that hold Aouine to its bitter end.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Where the option to downvote myself? When I say second princess, that actually mean she the second born, she has only one older male sibling, that makes Princess Regent the first princess, not second.


  2. Will be very back his sword… His plan didn’t include it at all… Also what’s a hostel? A stable?
    Thx for the chapter


    1. Classic Fantasy 101:
      A hostel is a place where travelers stay overnight; they are normally located near long roads that are used often (that’s where there’s demand for them), but can also be found in big towns (as they’re natural junctures). Naturally, hostels have stables (only a penniless pilgrim would travel on foot), and are used to selling both horses and carts (because anyone can lose their transportation means to an accident every once in a while).


  3. When you find the merchant called hood
    ->Hood is person name, so first letter should be in capital.

    Red Bronze Dragon
    Not sure if you are already know, just to add some tidbit, in a translation thread I read, someone mentioned the word for red bronze used here actually refer to Cuprite, made from Cu2O, not the red bronze alloy that is a mixture of bronze and tin. So the name could also be Cuprite Dragon.

    and there times that he had to keep his promise as a man
    ->and there are time that he…

    (TL: Classic tsundere never dies!)
    B..bbut Freya ties her hair in ponytail, not twintail !

    that old bastard be angry that commoner?
    -> be angry over that commoner?


    1. For the grammar mistakes, they are fixed now.

      The cuprite thing, it was more of a personal flavor. The thing is cuprite has a low Moh scale and bronze is harder than copper, so being the Chuuni that I am, I tend to like things that fits the description. Dragons tend to be epic and powerful, and using cuprite (obscure word + easily scratched) doesn’t sit very well with me.


      1. Modern terminology (like chemistry) is a no-no in a fantasy setting. Although MC could use it in the inner monologue (being a person from our place-and-time).
        Anyway, isn’t cuprite just a kind of copper ore? Dragons aren’t known for being named after ores 🙂


      1. Oh!, lol I kept thinking it was an object and was burning out my brain trying to figure out what it could be. 😛

        Thanks. 🙂

        And I think it should be “right?” with a question mark since it is a question, even though it is a rhetorical one.


  4. I’m on chapter 800+ of the web novel and it’s been pretty good so far. I’m surprised how well the plot works out. My only complaint is that the action keeps coming with little time for cool down, but that’s not fully a bad thing. There are times when this work is a little too Xianxia for me but overall it’s different.

    Are there any other stories similar or worthy of recommending in the Chinese world hopping or reincarnation genre? Basically more stuff like this. “So What if it’s an RPG World” is really good too but a lot of Chinese novels make me want to rage at the protagonist for being arrogant ignorant suicidal sociopathic chauvinists. Anyone here have any recommendations? Or at least something that won’t make me rage.


    1. Some novels I would recommend to you: Overlord, The New Gate, Grimgar Online (gets good after the middle of first chapter so hang on and keep reading).


      1. Wow….we are seriously behind…?! Dam I’m jealous. Though I’m happy that such a good series is that long..its more then I can ask for. Maybe I should put this story on hold but that’s like 1year of translating if its to get to 800…?


    1. It depends on your point of view, really. Most people who hate tsundere archetype just mistake them for being common bitches…
      Me, I think tsunderes are quite amusing – their self-contradicting behaviour can be rather fun to watch.


  5. Please look at what follows and see if you agree that the text needs to be changed.
    — === === —
    NOTE: I do not agree with the word ‘missionary’ as the position
    in the government that Earl Dunn has. I think this should be ‘envoy’.
    Please look both words up in a dictionary and see if you agree.
    — === === —
    Brendel and his squire jumped down from his gargoyle,
    and they saw Romaine and Freya with a pale face in the alley.

    should be:

    Brendel and his squire jumped down from his gargoyle in an alley.
    The ride had left both Romaine and Freya with pale faces.
    — === === —
    Luc Beson had been the captain of the 104th White-mane swordsman
    army for ten years.

    should be:

    Luc Beson had been the captain of the 104th White-Mane swordsman
    army for ten years.
    — === === —
    “Overall the opposition will also have a reaction time, but if
    we are going to do these things one at a time together, our
    chances to fail will be significantly higher. In order to save
    time, we need to move separately, and each of us need to confirm
    what our own roles.”

    should be:

    “Overall the opposition will also have a reaction time, but, if
    we do these things one at a time together, our chances of failing
    will be significantly higher. In order to save time, we need to move
    separately, and each of us needs to confirm what our roles are.”
    — === === —
    I don’t even which street it is, in fact I don’t even
    know where the market is…?

    should be:

    I don’t even know which street it is, in fact I don’t even
    know where the market is.
    — === === —
    Freya thought about it for a while, as if to check whether
    she was able to do all these, then finally nodded.

    should be:

    Freya thought about it for a while, as if to check whether
    she was able to do all these things, then finally nodded.
    — === === —
    His position in the army was not welcomed, but this did not
    hinder him from displaying his prestige to his subordinates,
    and he was not the whelps that came from some noble backdoor.

    should be:

    His position in the army was not welcomed, but this did not
    hinder him from displaying his prestige to his subordinates.
    He was not one of those whelps who came from some noble backdoor.


  6. Everton, LucBeson, Macklemore? are you serious? Totally dumb naming, rips you out of the story, it’s like you’re laughing at your readers, horribly move mate


    1. Alright then, I’ll rename Macklemore into McLemore – Ancient English/Scottish name. I was unable to find a good medieval name for that at that time. Everton and Beson are quite proper actually, at least according to


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